
retreat, 25 guests, 2021




retreat, 25 guests, 2021


sabbatical, 2 guests, 2020


retreat, 15 guests, 2018


retreat, 25 guests, 2021


biathlon retreat, 8 to 14 guests, 2018, 2019, 2022


sabbatical, 2 guests, 2020


sabbatical, 2 guests, 2020


retreat, 25 guests, 2021


sabbatical, 2 guests, 2020


retreat, 25 guests, waltz lesson at offsite dance hall, 2021


retreat, 25 guests, 2021




retreat, 8 guests, (house with 3bed, 2 bath, 2 living rooms, ceramics studio, kitchen & dining room), 2021


house with 6bed, 3bath, living room, music room, kitchen & dining room, 2021


rustic cabins, 2022


wood heat, propane stove, no electric shack


"academic" mini-conference, 4 onsite and 3 offsite guests, 2022


4th of July fish fry mise en place, 3 guests, 2021


retreat, 8 guests, 2021


retreat, 25 guests, 2021

My dear Harry,—...I got back yesterday from five days spent at my sylvan home at the lake, whither I had gone to see about getting the buildings in order for the summer. The winter has been an exceptionally snowy one back of the coast, and I found, when I arrived, four feet of snow on a level and eight feet where it had drifted. The day before yesterday the heat became summer-like, and I took a long walk in my shirt-sleeves, going through the snow the whole length of my leg when the crust broke. It was a queer combination—not exactly agreeable. The snow-blanket keeps the ground from freezing deep; so that very few days after the snow is gone the soil is dry, and spring begins in good earnest. I tried snow-shoes but found them clumsy. They were making the maple-sugar in the woods; I had excellent comfort at the hotel hard by; with whose good landlord and still better landlady I am good friends; I rested off the fumes of my lore-crammed brain, and altogether I smile at the pride of Greece and Rome—from the height of my Wisconsin home. I'm afraid it will cost nearer $2000 than $800 to finish all the work. But we shall have ten large rooms (two of them 24 x 24), and three small ones—not counting kitchen, pantries, etc., and if you want some real, roomy, rustic happiness, you had better come over and spend all your summers with us. I can see that the thought makes you sick, so I'll say no more about it, but my permanent vision of your future is that your pen will fail you as a means of support, and, having laid up no income, you will return like the prodigal son to my roof. You will then find that, with a wood-pile as large as an ordinary house, a hearth four feet wide, and the American sun flooding the floor, even a Wisconsin winter is not so bad a thing.

William James to his brother Henry, 1887